Alignment Attracts Abundance

abundance alignment clarity fulfillment life’s purpose transformation Nov 01, 2022
WCP 58 | Alignment


Following your passion is as hard as finding one. Most of the time, we settle for the things we are good at rather than the ones we love to do. Sure, you can earn a living doing what you are good at but will you be satisfied? In this episode, Yanet Borrego shares insights on how aligning your goals not only gives you good direction but also keeps you driven and motivated. That even when the going gets tough, it makes all the hard work worth it. Look to yourself, find clarity, and attract the abundance you seek and deserve. Tune in and be enlightened so you can start living your life with a purpose.


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Alignment Attracts Abundance

One thing every successful individual, leader, and entrepreneur has in common is a consistent morning routine. Having a simple, easy-to-implement routine enables you to start your day with a sense of purpose, accomplishment, clarity, and direction. For this reason, I have prepared for you a free guide with an easy to follow five minutes morning routine, and a tracking template where you can document your progress day by day. I am receiving messages from some of you already telling me how this habit has transformed your days for the better. Download this 5-Minute Morning Routine now so you can start your day on purpose.

I want to start this episode with a story. It was back in 2013 when I had started my first corporate job in the oil and gas industry as a Chemical Engineer. That first job was as a Processing Engineer in a refinery. I did it for around a year and a half. I realized that, honestly, even though I was considered very successful, and it was an amazing job with a great salary and with a prestigious company, I was not feeling that level of fulfillment that I was seeking.

It was one of the first times where I realized that everything that I had worked for the last few years in college with the many internships I did and everything else, it was not it. I started to dig deeper within myself. What was I looking? What are the things that I really enjoy? Understanding emotions, helping people with the mental aspect, and even trying to gain clarity on my purpose, those were the things that really energized me and fired me up.

According to that, I was trying to find new opportunities in my corporate career that would be in alignment with those values, and that would be in alignment with what truly made me feel a sense of meaning in this world. I remember talking to my supervisor at the moment. She was so nice. She told me, “I'll be happy to help you out, but you’ve got to find the organization that you think you're going to align the most with, because all I know is this refinery organization.” I was like, “Challenge accepted. This is my journey. This is my path. I’ve got to take ownership and control of it, and talk to different people across different organizations and see what I resonate the most with.”

Find the organization that aligns with you the most.

I wanted to be people-focused, and that's the only thing I had in my mind. I want to be the next organization that I work in corporate to have a priority around personal development, around people development, around professional development, everything related to people. I remember contacting different people that I knew through the Employee Resource Group, the ERGs, those are groups focused on different groups of diversity. It's an inclusion and diversity initiative.

I remember contacting everyone I knew. I talked to people in HR, in public affairs, in the projects world. I talked to at least 7 or 10 organizations. I talked to someone in supply chain procurement. I was like, “This sounds interesting. This is an organization that I connect with the most. I don't know much about it, to be honest with you, but my gut tells me that this is it.” I remember going into the intranet. The intranet is an internal internet for a company. I just ‘procurement supply chain’ within the corporation. The first slide deck that popped up, it was a people development deck. I was like, “This is my sign.” I was so focused on getting into an organization that valued people, that cared about that development.

I knew even in the early stages of my corporate career, that one day, I will be a full-time entrepreneur who would help people achieve their highest potential, who would help people grow into ways that they didn't know they could grow, which is what I'm doing right now. I see transformations in my clients all the time because they are taking action and showing in ways they haven't shown up before in order to get results. They have never gotten results, so that drives me.

I remember thinking to myself, “This is it.” I asked the person who I had interviewed, “Would you give me the name of your supervisor? I need to connect your supervisor to my supervisor.” After I made my decision, and I'm going to be honest, I didn't even know what supply chain was about. I did know a little bit, but not much. I just knew that that was it because the values based on what I saw really aligned with my values.

I went to my supervisor, gave her the name of the supervisor, and within six months, I was in the supply chain organization. I was like, “I can’t believe it. I made it happen,” because it was really hard in the refinery that I was to actually transfer to another organization. Sometimes you would think that because you're within one corporation, it's pretty easy to go from organization to organization, but it requires so much and many people. They are not able to do it. I was so grateful and lucky that I did it.

In the process of transitioning, I was talking to a couple of engineers who were my friends in the refinery, and some of them were telling me, “Yanet, you know that you're not going to make as much money in supply chain than staying here, right? This is something for you to know.” I was like, “We make six figures already out of college. I think I'm going to be fine. I'm just going to make it happen. I'm going to focus on learning what supply chain is about. I'm going to focus on doing something that I love more than what I was doing here. I'm going to focus to do the best job I can so I can show up and I can get to the highest performance that I was striving.”

When you do something that you love, you show up differently. Your mindset and your body is just different. That's why it's important to start finding that intersection between success and fulfillment. I truly believe you can be successful and fulfilled in whatever you want to do. There are many people that have this limiting belief that you cannot have money doing what you love, that you cannot achieve financial abundance doing what you love. When you look at the world, many people have done it. Why not believe that you can do it too?


I remember listening at these conversations and I'm like, “I earn good money. The only thing I want right now is to be happy and be fulfilled and be in an environment that is inducive of my growth.” In six months, I joined and loved it. I didn't even know what SAP was. There were many things with supply chain that I didn't know, but I worked hard. I was so passionate about it, even though I didn't know. I was like, “I like this.” Working with suppliers, negotiating, setting contracts, working with customers and making sure we are meeting their needs, this is perfect. This is what I was looking for.

Understanding the bigger picture of what the organization was about created a fire within me and a passion to learn everything. I love it. It was very data driven. It was very relationships oriented. I continued growing in the organization and doing well year-after-year. I remember five years in, I was talking to someone who actually decided to stay in the refinery where I started originally. I was talking to this person, and this person for whatever reason told me her salary and mine was higher than this person that had stayed in the job. She wasn't happy and fulfilled about.

A lot of people were telling me that I would never get to that place, that I would earn more than the people who stayed back. I'm telling you this story not to impress you but impress upon you that alignment attracts wealth. Alignment attracts abundance. It wasn't on the first year after I transitioned from refinery to supply chain, that I was earning more than other people who stayed back. It wasn't on the second year or the third. It was probably on the fourth, but for sure on the fifth year. Why? Because I stayed there. I decided to take action and decided to show up in different ways because I was loving what I was doing. I was enjoying the relationships I was building. I was bound into the people development side of the organization. I was highly involved.

Many people are going to project their fears into your journey, not because they want you to do less, but because they care about you. What you’ve got to understand is that their fears don't have to be yours. Everyone is doing the best with the resources they have. They don't know that they're projecting this unto you, but you’ve got to be that person that believe in yourself, and that trust that whenever you are in alignment and whenever you do things that you love and you enjoy, everything else will fall into place. Just like what happened with my transition in my corporate organization, from engineering to supply chain, a lot of people didn't believe I was going to make it. I ended up attracting more financial abundance than the one who stayed doing what they didn't like at all.

Alignment attracts wealth and abundance. This is not a 0 to 100 situation. It doesn't mean that whenever you make a decision that is aligned, everything will change. The way you feel inside will change. There is this other element that you’ve got to harness. It’s that belief in self and that faith and hope that things are going to happen for you.

I was reading Atomic Habits, a book that I've been recommended so many times, but I haven't picked it up yet until this morning because my husband is also reading it. He's not reading it. He's listening at the audio version. I decided to start listening while I was walking our puppy. I'm loving this book because he talks about the importance of showing up every day, even when you're not seeing a change, even when you are not manifesting your desired outcome immediately.

Around this topic, he had a quote that caught my attention. It's a quote that I think I'm going to put somewhere in this room. Let me read you this quote from Jacob Riis, “When nothing seems to help, I go and look at a stone cutter, hammering away at this rock. Perhaps 100 times without as much as a crack showing in it, yet at the 101 blow, it will split in two. I know it was not the last blow that did it, but all that had gone before.”

Many times, we are working in our goals. We start showing up, going to the gym. We start making decisions that are more aligned. Immediately, on the first day when we start seeing it, we are like, “Why am I not getting the results already? Is this desired for immediate satisfaction? Why is it not here? Why haven't I lost 10 or 20 pounds? I've been working out for the last week.” We all have been there. I'm raising my hand with you, “If I transition from corporate to entrepreneurship, why am I not a millionaire already?” We know why, it takes years.

Many times, we want these immediate results without remembering that this is all about the journey, the growth habits, abundance alignment. It's all about showing up consistently, even in the moment where you don't feel like it. Most importantly in the moments when you don't feel like it. It is so easy for me to record a podcast episode when I feel inspired, motivated, and I'm ready to go, than to record a podcast episode when I'm not feeling like it. I know and I've decided to show up for all of you and for myself. Those are the moments that are really the decisive ones.

Even in the moment when you don't feel like it, I want you to remember to show up because even if you're not seeing the result, the result is happening. The result is there. One day, just with the stone cutter, the rock is going to crack. The breakthrough is going to happen. The tricky thing is that we don't know when, but we’ve got to have that faith that whatever we are doing in our journey is in alignment. When you show up in alignment consistently, even when you don't feel like it, that's when the breakthroughs happen. Many times, it happens just the day that you're like, “I’m done. This is it,” but you’ve got to remind yourself. This is one thing that I use in the moments where this entrepreneurial journey has been so challenging. I remind myself, “One more day.”

Sometimes when we are overwhelmed internally, everything seems worse than what it is. If you wait one more day and you show up again in an aligned way, you’re going to start realizing that it's not as bad as it seemed the day before. It's a lot better. Then you get that motivation to continue moving forward, one more day. Remember, just like the stone cutter, the first 100 times when he or she was hammering away, nothing was happening. It was in the 101 time when the stone cracked. This is what life is about.

There is also another analogy that I had heard in a book about a piñata. Results or transformations are like a piñata. Have you ever been in a party with a piñata? I haven't been in years. I remember maybe when I was in Mexico. I actually lived in Mexico City for three years after my mom and I left Cuba. When you have a piñata and you have people with bats, they'll hit it several times and no candies are coming out. They continue hitting it. There is nothing. What is going on? The pinata is not cracking. You continue hitting it. There is a hit coming from your bat where the breakthrough happens. You hit that piñata and all the candy comes out.

That is a hit that we want to have since day one when we don't recognize that that hit takes time to get, that breakthrough takes time to transform, to show up, to manifest. Let me tell you something that I know. Alignment breeds abundance. Alignment attracts wealth. Whenever you continue aligning with your heart, with your dreams, with your God, what feels right to you? As long as you're having an aspiration that you're walking towards, it's a matter of time where you're going to be attracting and manifesting everything you want to be, everything you want to be doing, and all the things you deserve to have.

My friend, keep hanging, keep pushing forward, and think to yourself one more time. In the times that seem challenging, remind yourself just like the stone cutter color. The first 100 times it might not show, but there is going to be one after that one where the rock will crack, where your breakthrough is going to happen, where you're going to lose that weight, where you're going to find that career, where that business is going to finally become profitable. You're going to find that partner. Whatever that is for you, you're closer than what you think.

I hope this episode was super helpful. Please share with your friends, your family. Rate the podcast. Rating the podcast really helps me to reach a wider audience. If you enjoyed it, please give me those five stars. If you want to comment, great. If not, it doesn't matter, but please show up for this podcast because I hope this is in value. My dream is to reach as many people as I can. Thank you so much for being here, for showing up for yourself. I'll see you next time. Take care.


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