Why You Need A Coach To Accelerate Your Growth And Success

energy highest potential limiting beliefs personal development purpose therapy May 18, 2022
WCP 34 | Need A Coach


Do you feel stuck where you are? You may need a coach. Host Yanet Borrego explains that coaching does not tell you what to think. Rather, it teaches you how to think. It’s about directing you and guiding you to access the answers you already have within you. You have all the resources you need to succeed. But your limiting beliefs are holding you back. That’s why investing in yourself and forming a team around you who are invested in your growth and success is crucial. Dive in to learn more.


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Why You Need A Coach To Accelerate Your Growth And Success

One thing every successful individual, leader, and entrepreneur has in common is a consistent morning routine. Having a simple and easy-to-implement routine enables you to start your day with a sense of purpose, accomplishment, clarity, and direction. For this reason, I have prepared for you a free guide with an easy-to-follow five-minute morning routine and a tracking template where you can document your progress day by day. I’ve been receiving messages from some of you already telling me how this habit has transformed your days for the better. Download this five-minute morning routine so you can start your day on purpose.


Welcome to another episode of the show. Before starting the episode, I want to tell you how grateful I am that you're tuning in to this episode and dedicating time to learn about yourself and how to continuously grow in this purpose-driven journey. I know time is our most precious resource, so the fact that you're investing time to tune into this show makes me incredibly grateful. If this is something that may help someone else, please share it with your friends, your family, or whoever needs to read this message.

This episode is one that I'm extremely excited about because it's one that I've been planning in the back of my mind for months. I get the question about what coaching is and how you know if you need a coach. Not only that, I get asked a lot about the difference between coaching and mentorship and coaching and therapy. This episode is all about what coaching is and how you know if you need a coach. I have episodes following this one that is all about the differences between coaching and therapy and coaching and mentorship. I may talk a little bit high-level about those differences, but there are particular episodes are all about comparing the two types of services and modalities.

Coaching is a term that gets thrown around a lot. It's a self-regulated industry. It is so important that you get educated. I've had coaches, and I still have coaches and mentors. For me, it's always so important to do the research before investing in someone or hiring someone. In the ideal world, I would love for you to hire me if you need a coach as long as it's aligned with what I do. At the same time, I understand that sometimes, you like to benchmark and educate yourself. This episode is highly educational. You get to inform yourself of what coaching is and what the whole purpose is.

The reality is there are coaches that call themselves coaches, but they are not coaches. They are mentors, or they are not coaches, but they are consultants. I want to dig deeper into what a coach is, when it started, how it's going in terms of the industry, and how you know if you need a coach. I'm going to also talk a little bit about my background in coaching, the tools I'm certified in, the companies I've done my certification through, etc.

As I tell the story, I'm going to talk a little bit about my coaching program. If that's something that interests you, you can always schedule a free clarity call. It is a 30-minute call where I help you pinpoint exactly the challenges you're facing, how we can move forward, how you can solve them, and what you need.


You need to invest in yourself and form a team around you who are fully invested in your growth and direction.


I've had clarity sessions where I've told people, “You don't need a coach. You need a mentor.” Not that because you scheduled a clarity call that it necessarily means that you need a coach. I'm here to help you. I truly serve people on everyone who scheduled calls with me from the heart. I'm someone that leads with integrity and honesty, and I believe that when I do that, things come back even stronger and better. If you need help, I'm here to help you. You can schedule a free clarity call.

Coach is a term that gets thrown around. If you look at social media or everywhere else, there are so many coaches. In a way, this leads to overwhelm if you are not well-educated in this industry or even know what a coach means or how you know if you need one. The coaching industry emerged for the first time in the 1980s, and this is a coaching industry related to personal development, peak performance, and leadership, which is the industry that I'm in. Before that, a coach was used for the terms related to sports. That's how we knew before what a coach was. Coaching to personal development started in the 1980s, and then in the 1990s, that was when it started getting traction and momentum.

As you can imagine, this is a fairly new industry, and because it's fairly new, it's one that people are not well-informed about, so I'm here to provide you with all the knowledge that you need so you can move in purpose. This industry has been growing exponentially. Individuals nowadays have coaches. As a coach, I've had coaches, and I still do. Corporations also have coaches. This industry is here to stay because the reality is people are seeing results. Not only that, the role of a coach is one that I truly recommend you to have as long as you define and you determine that you need it.

First Encounter To Coaching

I have coaches, mentors, and people that I reach out to for advice in my team. It is important that you decide to invest in yourself and form a team around you of people who are there to be fully invested in your growth and direction. That's what a coach is about, but I'm going to give you more details about that. My first encounter with coaching was back in 2015 when I got certified as a John Maxwell Team coach, speaker, and trainer. I remember I was in the certification event from the John Maxwell Team. I was learning what coaching was. They had coaching and training. Out of all of those, I felt the most connected with coaching.

I remember Christian Simpson, part of the John Maxwell Team and the director of the coaching program, explaining what coaching was about. He said that coaching is not about telling you what to think but rather teach you how to think. Coaching is all about directing you and guiding you to access the answers that you have within you already, but sometimes, you don't know how to get there because you have limiting beliefs or subconscious patterns where you're boycotting yourself.


A good coach is like a GPS that helps you define your direction with the resources and the knowledge you have already within yourself and then helps you move in that direction. Coaching, compared to therapy, for example, is very action-focused and forward-looking. Coaching is all about helping you define your goals and helping you get there with momentum, accountability, and integrity. It’s all about those results you want to get and that desired outcome that you have wanted to get, maybe for months or years. If you haven't seen the results in the past that you want to see, a coach can help you get there.

I also have clients that are like, “I'm meant for more. I don't know what exactly, but I want you to help me find what it is.” You’re gaining clarity on your purpose. That's even one of my digital courses, and that's something that I help my one-on-one coaching clients with. In 2015, he was explaining that on stage and I was like, “I get to help people tap into their inner wisdom?”

Society has hypnotized us that we need to operate from a place of lack. Society has hypnotized us to believe that there is something missing within ourselves, but here's the thing. You’re whole already. A coach and coaching believe that. As a coach, I believe you have all the resources you need to succeed. Sometimes, you just don't know how to get to those answers or how to get to those resources. As a coach, I'm your guide to help you get there.

I have a toolbox of skills, techniques, and tools of things I've been certified on that I'm going to give you a quick high-level overview, but there is so much more to it. I have all those tools to help you get there at the subconscious level because change is subconscious. It's not conscious. That's why sometimes when you set a goal and you say, “I want to do this,” but maybe your unconscious programming doesn't support you in executing that goal, so when you get to that place, you're like, “Why wasn't I able to execute my goal?”

For a while, after I got certified as a coach and was working in corporate, I had these limiting beliefs that I was not enough. I remember even introducing myself as a coach and I would be insecure. I would be like, “Why am I dreaming that I'll be a full-time coach one day? That doesn't even sound realistic.” All of these unconscious programming of the limiting beliefs I was experiencing led me at that time to not do coaching on the side as a business.


You have all the resources you need to succeed.


I was certified, but I was not executing it. I was learning and getting certified in a million things, but I hadn't started my business yet. Even though that was the goal that I wanted to achieve or the result I wanted to achieve consciously, my subconscious programming was not supporting me in getting there because I had all those limiting beliefs I had to release. Thankfully, I've worked with coaches and mentors. I've learned a lot of techniques that I use in myself and my clients.

That was back in 2015 when I got certified for the first time and I got exposed for the first time to this profession of coaching. I fell in love with it. Coaching is about helping you discover your own potential and helping you get there, helping you define that North Star that is going to guide you in your life and your career in whatever area you're working on, and help you get there walking the path.

Later on, in 2021, I also did another certification, which I finished in January. It was a one-year certification that was super intense. I worked with clients and had homework. A lot of time was invested in that. It was an integrative coaching certification. Integrative means that it's more of a holistic approach. For example, in my coaching practice, I don't see the individual as the mental and emotional body. Instead, I work on harmonizing the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies of my client. I see them as a whole and not as a part of the whole. For me, that's so important because sometimes, we operate from a place of lack or there is something missing.

When you realize you're whole already, you realize that you can tap into all the resources you need inside yourself. I say this a lot, and I'm going to repeat it a couple of times because if there is one key takeaway you have from this episode, I want you to take this. You’re whole already. A coach helps you realize that and dig into those answers you're trying to find externally because the answers are internal.

Coaching is also an inside-out process, not an outside-in. For example, mentorship is an outside-in process because mentorship is a person that has gone through a path and is telling you exactly what to do based on what they did. It may work for you or it may not. That's something you decide based on the information you receive and on the experimentation you start your journey.


Coaching is an inside-out process. It helps you tap into your own wisdom, resources, and potential to define your direction for yourself. For example, when I decided to transition from corporate to entrepreneurship, I didn't know anyone around me. I didn't have a mentor that had done that before because, let’s be honest, only a few people do it voluntarily.

Why You Sometimes Need Answers To Come From The Outside

With the skills I have and working with my coaches, which are amazing, I had to tap into that direction I knew was the right direction for myself. No one else could have known that except myself, but sometimes, we want the answers to come from outside. Why? It’s because we have been programmed to be like that since we were kids. We had our parents telling us what to do. We had our teachers telling us what to do. We had the educational system telling us what to believe.

When we get to adulthood or even before, we realize that you got to find those answers for ourselves and that we are the designer of our own life. That's when coaching comes into place because it's helping you tap into that potential. Whenever everything else around you goes away, at least you have the tools, the skills, and the resources to continue working on your own path.

An amazing coach teaches you how to think based on who you are as a person because every single person is unique. When you look at my coaching notes for each one of my coaching clients, they are all different. They need different tools and techniques. I see similarities based on the limiting beliefs they face and similarities with me because I'm a human being. Overall, that's what coaching is.

What I was telling, later on in January 2021, I also did my integrative coaching certification through the American Association of Integrative Psychology. It’s something that I've been starting since 2013, thanks to my uncle, who introduced me to Neuro-Linguistic Programming, NLP. NLP is all about the language of the mind and how you can create changes in your mind that are sustainable. NLP or Neuro-Linguistic Programming is understanding the programming of your mind or the software of your mind so you can reprogram it to achieve your desired outcomes.


You can reprogram the software of your mind to achieve your desired outcomes.


As a coach, I wanted to have the tools to help my clients understand themselves because, let's be honest, the mind can be your best friend and can be your biggest obstacle at times or many times. For you to understand how you behave based on your mind and your beliefs, for me as a coach, it was important to have as a tool to help clients.

I'm certified as an NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer of NLP and hypnosis. Hypnosis is another tool that I use to access the unconscious programming of my clients so they can achieve their desired results. Something that I also use as a tool is energy healing and astrology. I truly believe we are spiritual beings living in physical bodies. Everything around you is energy. Even this chair that I'm sitting in, when I look at it, I see something solid, but if I look at it at a molecular level, it's mainly space or energy.

I believe that everything around us is energy. That's why I also wanted to get trained and certified on several energy healing modalities, such as Huna, which is a native ancient Hawaiian way of being and seeing energy. I also got certified as a Pranic Healing Practitioner, which is healing with light. When you see all the energy healing modalities, they have a lot of commonalities. I enjoy having all these tools to work with my clients. Ideally, if you're looking for a coach, you can decide to work with me. If you want to benchmark different coaches, it is important that you understand what they are certified in, what their specialties are, and how they will help you. For me, that's super important.

I strive to continuously learn and educate myself because that's the way I can help my clients. That's also the way I can lead with integrity because if I don't help myself, if I don't keep my mind in check, and if I don't keep my spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional bodies in alignment, how can I help my clients? This is sometimes a little bit hard when you don't know the person personally or maybe from a friend or a referral, but as a coach and in everything else, it is so important to lead with integrity.

To be able to tell your clients, “This is what we're going to work on,” you need to take action after the call for you to be able to take that action you're telling your clients to take. Energetically, it's so important in terms of having that integrity in everything else. I cannot tell my clients to take action when I'm not taking action. The cool thing about my coaching clients is that they're also a mirror of myself. It's a beautiful profession. I truly love it.


Some people think of coaches as life coaches. I don't introduce myself as a life coach because it’s a very vague term. What does a life coach do? Are they going to help you plan your life? I like to call myself a mindset and clarity coach. The areas that I've held most of my clients with are the areas of career, which is something that I'm super passionate about for you to have a career or a business that you truly believe in because that's where you're going to achieve your highest potential when you do something that you're aligned with, that you love, and that you're willing to show up. Career is definitely one of them.

Romantic Relationships

The second one is romantic relationships. I've helped 50% of my clients in romantic relationships, which is an area I'm deeply passionate about. The third one is personal development. It’s the overall mental and emotional state, self-regulation, and everything else. There are coaches that are mainly around the mindset of physical health. There are different coaches with different niches. Mine are the things that I'm passionate about, which are the things that, in a way, I've also gone through. Coaching is not mentorship, but I also have the view that I've gone through a path.

Overall, having a coach is having a mirror and having a GPS system. The only agenda of a great coach is your growth and helping you achieve your goals and potential. It's a really special relationship. It’s having this person that serves you as your mirror, that points out your blind spots. By the way, all of us have blind spots, and that has your best interest at heart because you have invested in this person. That's the only relationship I can think of that is goal-driven and forward-looking that the only agenda of the coach is your growth and everything you want to accomplish.

The main goal of the coach is to increase the manifestation of your potential. They are someone who holds a mirror in a safe, nurturing, and non-judgemental environment. It's so important to mention that because a coach is a neutral party. A coach is not looking at your existing performance. It’s looking at your potential and helping you get there because whatever you think you are now, you are way more than that. The coach is looking at that way more than that at that potential.

I have one of my coaching clients. We were coaching a couple of months ago. The first stage of my program, even before we start coaching, is what I call a breakthrough session, which is a very in-depth session. It’s understanding the client's limiting beliefs and the challenges they face. Based on the language and the training I've received, I get to see from a neutral perspective what they are struggling with at a deeper level.


When you do something that you're aligned with, you will love what you do.


We were doing the breakthrough session and she was telling me, “Do you not get tired of listening to people about their challenges and problems all the time?” I told her, “Not really because you think you are your challenges and problems, but I know you're not. I am buying into your potential. I know what your potential is.” As a coach, I help you see that. I help you get there to walk in that direction so you can achieve who you are meant to be so you're going to achieve the highest potential ever in this life that we're living. It's an important reminder.

The coach doesn't believe that you are your behavior. The coach focuses on your potential and helps you get there. As a mindset and clarity coach, what I help my clients with is achieving clarity. Many of my clients don't have a clear direction of who they want to be, the things they want to accomplish in the future, and how to get there. Part of that clarity is to find that direction, finding their purpose in whatever area, whether it’s a career, romantic relationships, or mental and emotional health, and helping them walk there. It's a very important element in coaching. If there is no action, there is no transformation. That's also one of the biggest differences between therapy and coaching.

There is a lot of action, homework, and accountability in coaching because the coach wants you to meet your goals and wants you to get there. It’s your best accountability partner. Therapy is more of a listening modality. Both are valid. It just depends on what you need. I had this potential client. She was a coaching client of mine before, and she said, “Is there any way I can achieve my goals without taking action?” I was like, “No way.” I believe in manifestation, but I believe in a manifestation where you are taking action. How can you manifest a way if you decide to stay where you are? If you continue doing what you have been doing in the past or what you're doing, you're going to get the same results you have been getting.

Part of coaching is pushing the boundaries of what you believe you're capable of and finding that, which drives you on a purpose-driven journey. It’s your best accountability partner. A coach is a person where the only agenda they have are their client's growth and goals. That's something that I have to work with all the time even when I'm coaching my clients. I have to remind myself, “This is not my agenda. This is their agenda and my goal as a coach is to help them get there.” It’s teaching the clients how to think, not what to think.

You're not telling them what to do, but rather, you're teaching them techniques, skills, and mindset shifts on how to access those answers that they have within them. That's why I fell in love with coaching, because I was like, “I have all the resources I need to succeed within me.” A coach helps you get there. To me, it's super exciting. That's why I'm a full-time coach.


I talked about Neuro-Linguistic Programming. That's definitely one of the biggest tools, skills, and techniques that I use in my program. I also use hypnosis, energy healing, and astrology. Everything I learned in the John Maxwell Team has been super important. At the end of the day, the coach knows the right questions to ask. You have the answers already. Sometimes, we are just asking the right questions.

Coaching Is About The Journey

Coaching is a do-with process, not a do-to. This is not a quick fix of something I'll do to you as a coach. This is something that we are doing together in your journey. You are taking action as you move forward. There are no quick fixes. For example, if you want to build muscle, you have to go to a gym consistently for months. The same thing is with their mental and emotional space because that's a journey. You have to show up every day. That's why it's fulfilling. If it's something that you get in a snap, what is the fulfillment of that? What is the journey of that? What is the learning on that? You don't get to learn anything if you go from 0 to 100 in a second.

The beautiful part of the process is the journey and the results you see as you continue moving forward. I have this client and she was working on her career. I get amazed at the things that happen when people start investing in themselves. The magical things happen when you start believing that you're enough and start taking action and moving in the right direction that makes sense for you.

I have this client. She wrote this in a testimonial, so I have her permission to share it. Her name is Roberta. She was working on finding what a purpose-driven career was to her. She's very people-oriented. She has this loving, beautiful energy. She had a great position in Houston, Texas. It was a position that she liked, but at the same time, she knew she was meant for more. A couple of months ago, she had been telling me that she wanted to go back to LA, but she didn't know how.

In the coaching program, we work through different aspects of your being in order for you to define your purpose-driven career. There are a lot of things that we do in order to help you get there. I remember one day, she comes to the call and told me, “Guess what?” I was like, “What?” She was like, “I got an amazing opportunity with the perfect balance of corporate and entrepreneurship, and the opportunity is in LA.” I was like, “No way.”


It was everything she had been thinking of. She wanted a more entrepreneurial opportunity. She wanted to go back to LA. She also got even a way better position in a director position, and because she was taking action and was showing up every single week, she was able to manifest that. It was a do-with process. That’s what will help you get there.

Also, believing in yourself and believing that you're worthy of investing in gaining clarity, setting your direction, and getting the results you have been seeking is so important. I see myself as a cultivator of human potential. That's what we see ourselves as. Great coaches are like, “I know your potential is huge. You may not see it, but we are going to help you get there.” They are allowing individuals to tap into the deeper resources within themselves.

I've already explained when coaching started and what is coaching. I gave examples. I also spoke about the certifications I have, the vocation and the tools that I use. How do you know if you need a coach? The first one is if you have goals and you want results, but you're not there yet. A coach helps you get there in that forward-looking direction that helps you to get to your goals and what you're seeking. Another one is when you're in search of clarity and direction. You know you're meant for more, whether it’s in an area of career, romantic relationships, or anything else. You want that concrete direction that is going to help you get there and help you transform into your higher potential.

Achieving Your Highest Potential

It could also be that maybe you're looking to perform better at your job or your business. Whatever that is, performance is a big part of coaching because, as a coach, I'm looking at my clients’ limiting beliefs, programs, and habits. I have techniques to help them do a lot of things at their conscious level. It's helping you improve that overall performance.

Sometimes, you may be limiting yourself and you may be running subconscious patterns that you're not aware of. A lot of times, that’s what’s preventing you from getting those results you're after. Coaches have coaches. I've had coaches myself and I'm a coach. I've coached several coaches too. Leaders have coaches. Executives have coaches. The highest performing individuals have coaches because they recognize that they can always do better. We always have new goals and new results that we want to achieve. Sometimes, we also need to learn the skills and techniques to help us master our internal world and the mental and emotional bodies we are dealing with every day we're working.

Maybe you want to reach your highest potential and discover your purpose to do something that is meaningful or impactful in this life. Maybe you want to master your internal world. Maybe you're a person who is seeking growth and you want to discover who you are meant to be and what are the things you're meant to do.

If you notice this applies to your life, whether it’s in an area of career, romantic relationship, or maybe personal development, I want you to reach out to me to schedule a free clarity call. It’s a 30-minute call. There is no commitment. I'm here to help you define the best path forward for you. As I said at the beginning of this episode, I have your best interests at heart. If you need a mentor instead of a coach or a therapist, I'll let you know.

To be honest, everyone needs to have coaches at a point in their lives. If you're trying to grow from where you are or trying to get results that you haven't gotten, there is something preventing you from getting there. A coach opens the door of what that might be for you. It's like holding a mirror in a very non-judgemental, neutral, and nurturing way for you to continue transforming and growing into that person that you're meant to be and the things that you're meant to do.

Every single person who is a high-performer and is growing hires coaches. I hire a coach. A lot of my clients are in leadership positions or work in corporate. Some are creating their business. I have a little bit of everything. They hire coaches because they want to go to the next level. I want you to do that for you, so take a second and schedule a free 30-minute clarity call. Life is here to experiment. That's why I've done a certification with the John Maxwell Team. I've also done several with NLP and energy healing because part of the transformation is experimenting and understanding what works best for you. I want the best for you.

If there is one key takeaway I want you to take from the episode, it is you are whole already. You have all the resources you need to succeed and you are here to find out who you are meant to be. You are here to reach your highest potential so you can live a happy, fulfilled, and meaningful life. I hope you enjoy this episode. If this was helpful, please share it with your friends and family. I appreciate you. Thank you so much. I'll see you next time.


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