Creating Sustainable Change With Coaching

gaining clarity life coach releasing negativity requisites for change self-improvement sustainable change Jun 01, 2022
WCP 36 | Creating Sustainable Change


Emotions and beliefs play an important role in creating sustainable change and freeing yourself of the limitations you have subconsciously set for yourself. In this episode, Yanet Borrego shares insights on how coaching can sustain the change you are looking for and reach your full potential and achieve your goals. If you are looking for clarity and purpose, tune in and change your life for the better!

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Creating Sustainable Change With Coaching

One thing every successful individual leader and entrepreneur has in common is a consistent morning routine. Having a simple, easy-to-implement routine enables you to start your day with a sense of purpose, accomplishment, clarity, and direction. For this reason, I have prepared for you a free guide with an easy to follow five minutes morning routine and a tracking template where you can document your progress day-by-day. I have been receiving messages from some of you already telling me how this habit has transformed your days for the better. Download this Five Minutes Morning Routine so you can start your day on purpose.

I am happy to be here with you for this episode. If you have been reading this blog post, there is an ongoing theme and the theme is all about coaching. Coach and coaching are terms that get thrown around frequently. Sometimes people do not know what exactly they mean or they may have an idea but they want to know more about it.

We spoke about what coaching is and how you would know if you need a coach. We also spoke about the differences between therapy and coaching. This is one of the questions I often get in my free 30 minutes clarity calls, where I try to inform potential clients or clients. They can make an informed decision. They have all the information they need to make sure coaching is a good fit for them.

If you are interested in gaining clarity, I offer this Free 30 Minutes Call for you. If you are curious about it and need extra help to continue gaining clarity, I’m here for you. I’m here to help you continue walking toward this path so you can get closer to your potential and continue growing. This episode is all about creating sustainable change with coaching.

Why Coaching

One of the main purposes of coaching is to help you create that sustainable change because it is helping you get closer to that potential and even help you to take action so you can achieve your goal and desired outcome. Coaching is important because often, there is a gap between where we are and where we want to be.

As a coach, I help my clients to bridge that gap. You can walk in alignment and you can become the person you are meant to be. All of what I do is purpose-driven. Everything that you design in your life, it is important that it has a purpose and an intention. Your actions meet what you are wanting to do and meet your words. That is what I consistently work with my clients.

There are Four Requisites For Change and I’m going to cover them in this episode. I’m going to relate it back to my coaching program because they are important for you to know. This not only applies to my coaching program or a long-term direction, but it also applies to your day-to-day. I’m going to explain how.

Most people know what they have to change and need to do. It is not a knowledge gap that people need help with. What we all need help with is bridging that gap between what we have to do and doing it because those are two different things. The coaching process helps you get there. As I have mentioned before, it is an inside-out process. It is finding the answers within yourself so you can work congruently because the only place you can find your potential is within yourself.

As a coach, I help my clients connect back to that potential so they can live on purpose. I have had coaches too. I have coached coaches also. The best coaches have coaches, to be honest with you because we are all on this path of growing. We are here to do bigger and better things. Whatever that is for you may be different than for me, and that is okay. It is your path.

I have had three coaches that have made a huge difference to me. I coached with him at the beginning of my journey whenever I was working on setting up my business. That was helpful back then. One is my NLP trainer. He was also my spiritual teacher, Dr. Matt James. He is an inspiring person. One of my coaching certifications I did through his company. He has an integrative and holistic approach. He combines spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical to help you recognize that wholeness that is inside of us at all times. That is the coaching style that I identify with.


Are you going to continue seeing your present and your future through the eyes of the past, or are you willing to let go of what is limiting you?


I also have a coach that I talk to every now and then. He has been immensely helpful, even when I was making my decision of whether to stay in corporate or to continue working on my coaching, speaking, and digital course business, which is the one that I’m creating now. I want to give a huge shout-out to Rodney.

He is amazing. I met him in my previous corporate job because, as I mentioned, successful corporations, executives, and leaders have coaches. I’m coaching a couple of leaders and people who have teams. Honestly, we all need coaches at certain points in our lives. Whenever you are stretching your boundaries, you can even go above and beyond where you are now.

The Four Requisites For Change

As I talk about coaching, it is important to recognize that there are four requisites to create sustainable change. I have a package for 3 and 6 months, and we work together. One of my main purposes is to give them the skills to give them the tools so they can continue creating that sustainable change as we move forward.

These Four Requisites for Change and Empowerment are something we speak about almost in every session to remind them of what it takes to develop and sustain this change. There is no quick fix here. You got to show up. Coaching is a do with process. It is me helping my clients in this case and guiding them towards the direction they have got to walk. At the end of the day, they are the ones walking the path. I am guiding them and using the tools and skills I have for them to continue creating that sustainable change.

Releasing Limiting Beliefs And Negative Emotions

These four requisites have completely changed my life and the life of my clients. Even my coaching programs follow these four requisites framework on a lot deeper level than I’m discussing here now. I want to give you an overview because this is important information for you to have. The first Requisite for Change and Empowerment is Releasing Negative Emotions and Limiting Beliefs.

Even before I start my coaching program, we have what I call a Breakthrough Session, which is five hours in-depth session where I get to ask my clients a lot of questions. What I’m listening for is the context and the language that they are using because I have trained to be a coach in neuro-linguistic programming. I can identify from their language, the context, and the structure they are providing and also the underlying limiting beliefs and the root cause of those limiting beliefs.

Once we have identified those limiting beliefs, negative emotions, and even all the baggage that they are bringing from their past, clients often realize that they have been suppressing a lot of emotions and beliefs that they were not even conscious about. When they are talking about it, they realize what is going on. Part of my training as a coach is to hold the mirror in a neutral and non-judgmental way and let them know what is stopping them from getting there. Not only that, but it helps them release it because they can know, but if they do not release it at a subconscious level, it is going to stay there.

After we have identified the limiting beliefs and negative emotions, I have this powerful technique. It is called Mental and Emotional Release. It is a technique based on how our subconscious mind works. It allows you to release baggage for years. I know I am telling you this and you may be like, “How?” I always tell my clients and everyone, “Don’t believe me. Believe when you do it.”

This is high level. These are five hours of in-depth work, identifying, releasing, and understanding what you stand for. It is a whole package. When my clients go through this breakthrough session, they feel much lighter. They start seeing changes in their life. Not only that, but they start becoming more aware of how they show up.

I have done these breakthrough sessions and someone else has done it on me. Although I use the techniques of myself too. I have done breakthrough sessions in every possible area of life. Before I met Cody, my fiancé, I remember I was struggling with the dating scene. I had finished a three years and a half serious relationship. We almost got engaged and everything. For whatever reason, the relationship had ended because things did not work out and that was okay. After that, I was struggling with dating. Not only that, I’m struggling with my self-worth.


Thankfully, that was the year that I took my master practitioner training on NLP. I got certified as a master practitioner level. That is what we learned to do this breakthrough session that I am telling you. About that same year, someone did a breakthrough session with me in the area of romantic relationships. After that breakthrough, every single thing in my dating life and my relationships changed.

I did the breakthrough session on romantic relationships in July 2021. In November 2021, I met Cody, who is my fiancé now, because I released a lot of limiting beliefs around self-worth that I honestly did not even know I had. I was not conscious of it. If you remember from previous episodes, changes, beliefs, and habits are unconscious. It is helpful to have someone else as a neutral third party to hold that mirror and help you see those blind spots. That is a gift.

After I did that breakthrough session, many things changed. I have done two breakthrough sessions in my career for myself. Someone else has done it on me. They have completely changed the way I see my business and even me stepping out into my worth to decide to leave corporate voluntarily and pursue my dream of becoming a full-time coach and entrepreneur.

I cannot speak highly enough of these tools because I have experienced them myself, and even the techniques and the tools I use with my clients, I do also myself. I work with other people that have the same knowledge I have to go through the same processes because something that I spoke about in the previous episode is integrity. I cannot tell my clients to do something that I am not willing to do. Every day, as a coach, more than anything, I got to put that internal work upfront as a priority so I can show up with integrity for my clients. That is important.

Even if you decide to work with me or with any other coach, integrity is important because even at the energetic level, you show up differently when you know you are doing the work too. We are not different. My clients and I stand on the same platform. We are all doing the work. As I mentioned, the first one is releasing limiting beliefs and negative emotions. Why is that important?

If you want to reach those goals that you have not been able to do in the past, you got to reprogram your mind to let go of whatever beliefs and negative emotions that are limiting you to get there to the path that you have been seeking. It is like a reset bottom. Imagine your mega computer and sometimes that computer needs a little bit of an update. A breakthrough session is an update to your subconscious programming so you can show up in a more empowered light and with a clear view of your potential rather than living through the ice of your past experiences.

We all have a bias of any type and what is important is what you do with that. Are you going to continue seeing your present and your future through the eyes of the past? Are you willing to let go of what is limiting you so you can walk on purpose and your path? Even before I start coaching my clients, which I coach is actionary in it, and before I get there, one of the requisites for that is doing the breakthrough session because that is what is going to set you up for success for you to even gain clarity in your direction.

Imagine all this junk that you have been collecting for years around you and things that you are not even conscious about. The breakthrough session helps you to start with a clean slate. That is requisite number one. I do that with the clients who decide to go for the 3 or 6 months coaching program. I also do the breakthrough session as a standalone service.

If this is something that resonates with you and that interests you, schedule a free clarity call and we can talk more about it. Releasing and getting you to a place where you feel flat and you have a clean screening in front of you that you can look through is transparent. That is not filled with junk that you cannot see, even your potential.

Gaining Clarity

Now that you have a clean slate, the second step is Defining Your Direction. Is gaining clarity on the compelling future you want to create for yourself? I have a whole framework on this, but setting your goals is part of this step in creating your compelling future. I always say, “In the worst moments of your life, the only hope you have is the hope of a better tomorrow.”


We all need coaches at a certain point in our lives and whenever we’re stretching our boundaries to go above and beyond where we are right now.


Coaching is future-forward. It is helping you bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. Having a North Star or a compelling future is going to allow you to make decisions and take actions in your every day that compound for you to get to that direction that you are seeking. We talk about step one, Releasing Limiting Beliefs and Negative Emotions. The second step is Creating Your Compelling Future. It is setting your direction. Who do you want to be? What do you want to be doing? What are the things that you need to have? This is a whole framework. I’m here to give you a high-level overview of everything.

Taking Action

Now that you have a clean slate and in that clean slate, you have designed your compelling future. The third step is Taking Action. It is moving forward in that direction. As you take action and as you continue moving toward your compelling future, you are going to find obstacles, things on the way, patterns you need to break, habits you need to change, or mindset shifts that you need to have.

As a coach, I use all my tools and skills to help clients get there and overcome those challenges. It is normal, every now and then, to get off course. It is pretty normal because you are doing things that you have never done before. The important part is how resilient you decide to be. You need to bounce back and continue moving forward.

Part of my coaching is helping you do that with the right tools and skills. It is highly customized for every person because not every person is the same. I put a lot of energy, investment, and planning to design a plan specifically for each person because each one of you is unique. I prepare before and after my sessions.

There is always homework for my clients because I work with serious action-takers, with people who are serious about their growth, ready to level up, show more confidently, and understand what their potential is. They invest in me to help them get there. That is the third step. Taking action is important. As I have said over and over, coaching is action-focused. There is homework because the action starts after our calls. We meet on a weekly basis for 60 to 90 minutes. The action starts after we hang out that call. What do you do next? That is why homework is important, taking action as you move forward, and showing up with consistency.

The last requisite for change is Focusing On What You Want. As you continue moving forward and down your path, there are going to be challenges and things that will make you feel as if you don’t want to show up anymore. Things that you have never seen before. Things that maybe you don’t know how to deal with. It is important as you continue walking your path that you put your attention into what you want or your aspiration rather than the limitation that you are facing.

Focusing On What You Want

That is why creating that compelling future in step number two is important because whenever you get off track, you get to reference what you define for yourself, who you want to be, what you want to do, and the things you want to have. Those are the Four Requisites For Change. The first one is releasing negative emotions and limiting beliefs. The second one is creating your compelling future and your direction so you can walk that way. The third one is taking action. It is moving towards that direction. The fourth one is focusing on what you want.

That part is important because as I talk to my clients, everyone else, and even myself, sometimes I have to catch myself, and when I ask people what do you want, they immediately start telling me what they do not want. That gives me information in terms of their unconscious programming. They are focusing on what they do not want often. It is important to shift your attention back to what you want.

I have a toolbox of techniques and skills. I have a million things to help them get there. As I mentioned in one of the previous episodes, the skills I use in my coaching program are based on neuro-linguistic programming, which is all about understanding how the mind works with techniques and procedures, you name it. There are 50-plus techniques that I use pretty often.

The second one is hypnosis. It is a pattern that you use in order to influence a subconscious mind and get to a state where you are relaxed and you can communicate easily with your unconscious mind. You can reprogram your subconscious programming tool. Neuro-linguistic programming and hypnosis, I have done energy healing to different submodalities of that, and I also use astrology tools.


My coaching practice is a balanced approach to our spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies. It is important for me to see the individual as a whole and even for you to see yourself as a whole because there is nothing missing from you already. What is next is to reach that highest potential and to walk towards that direction.

As we conclude this episode, I hope this is helpful. Honestly, I use these four requisites for change every single day in my life. Not at the level that I explained, but sometimes I do. If I am experiencing a conflict and if there was a challenge that happened in my life, the first requisite for change is releasing. It is allowing yourself to get to a place where you feel flat emotionally and mentally. It is where you can see the situation from a neutral perspective rather than be emotionally charged.

In my coaching program, I take this at a deep level. I promised at the beginning of this episode that I was going to teach you also how to do this in your day-to-day. Whenever you are experiencing any challenge, make sure that you are flat even before dealing with the situation. You hear people say, “Do not reply to an email if someone or something made you feel a certain way that is not necessarily positive.” Wait until you are flat emotionally and mentally, and then reply.

That is exactly what the requisites for change and empowerment are. It is to get to a position where you are not reacting, but rather you are responding from a different place in your mind. Now that I have this challenging situation, what can I do about it? It is setting your intention and goal. I’m going to talk to this person and I’m going to set and enforce my boundaries, for example.

The third one is taking action. Making it happen and that is where sometimes we break this recipe. That is when we miss the point, just on taking action. That is why a coach is important. The third one is focusing on what you want. As you have dealt with the situation, you have taken action. As you continue moving forward, continue focusing on what you want.

You don’t build more baggage because when you continue to focus on what you don’t want and you continue to find all the faults and mistakes, you are building that baggage back again. It is important to remember these four requisites for change and apply them. They have changed my life. That is why I am sharing it with you here. They are so powerful. I know that if you take this seriously, it is going to be powerful for you too.

Those are the four requisites for change. That is how you create sustainable change and empowerment with coaching, even in your day-to-day. It is important to continue applying this as you move forward. If you are curious, based on what you have read about my coaching program, I offer a digital course. That is a simplified version of what I do with my coaching clients. Please schedule a free clarity call. I would be more than happy to connect with you.

I want the best for you. I want you to reach your highest potential because as I continue walking down on this beautiful and purpose-driven life, I realize how powerful you are. I am often reminded, based on my client’s results and transformations, that whatever you think you are now, you are way more than that. I hope you enjoy this episode. I hope you got your actionable items based on the Four Requisites For Change. If this was helpful, please share it with your friends, family, or anyone else who may need to hear this message. Thank you so much for reading. Take care.


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